My rating: 5 of 5 stars
"I never wanted to break her heart. She made the decision to break her own"
This book is truly stunning! As I was writing this review, I looked back at the first pages and reread them, realizing that the end of the book completes the beginning (it sounds confusing but once you read it you will see :)). It starts with a scribbled note in class: I like your sparkle. Penn does not know why he wrote it, and Harper is surprised by insanely hot, reliably unreliable, Penn Mattingly's attention. After Harper ditches school with Penn to escape the school nurse (who also plays in the wonderful ending), she realizes that behind his popularity, he is a real person.
Harper is constantly looking into the future, where Penn is living the present. Harper wants to attend the choreographer program at Ballard, where Penn simply wants to play baseball again. Penn and Harper are total opposites, yet they bring out the best in each other and having both of their perspectives really help to create a sense of unity between them.
"Well, even if you have a great love with him, then it will be because of me. Just think, if you hadn't been wearing that tinsel this morning...
Soon Harper and Penn hang out, have fun, talk, and make out, and things just click! Except Penn and Harper have different ideas in what a relationship entails. Harper believes in love at first sight and sweep-you-off your feet love. And Penn just goes with the flow, whatever happens, happens. If only Penn knew how to talk about his feelings because that breaks Harper and everything she thought she knew about Penn.
I probably have spoiled a lot of this book, but I surely will not spoil the end because it is truly too good to waste in this review. This book is so relatable, maybe because I'm a high school student, maybe because I have the same beliefs of love as Harper, but as Harper says, this book is real. If you are looking for a comfort, warming read, this is the one!! :)
"Take a chance on me, Harper. And I'll never hurt you again"
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