My rating: 5 of 5 stars
"We were made to fit together. We fit perfectly together. You must feel it, Olivia"
This is the second book in the One Night series, in which we get to learn more about dark and beautiful Miller Hart. The book leaves off with a man named William Anderson, who plays a big role in Miller and Olivia's relationship by the end of the novel, and truly is the reason to which they are able to be in a relationship still by the end, as much as he hates Miller Hart. So far in the series, we have met Olivia Taylor, a seemingly ordinary girl with a painful, unconventional past. Who on an ordinary day, meets a less than ordinary Man; Miller Hart. Since the very first day they met, it has been an intimate, passionate, and intense relationship.
Everything between Olivia and Miller is perfect without outside influences, and when they do corrupt their relationship, their fallout is a remarkable disaster.
"We're more broken if we don't have each other. Let me put us back together again. I need you, Olivia. Desperately. You're making my world light"
In this book, there are so so many interferers that attempt to disrupt their relationship because if Miller's job, in which there is no escape. (The only escape would to run away...;)) I love their dynamic in their relationship because they balance each other out, for Olivia's darkness is balanced out by Miller's darkness, and they each supply light to one another.
I've been saved by a gorgeous, sweet girl, she makes my heart quicken and my senses slow"
I'm not going to spoil this book because this book is an emotional and heart-wrenching read, but Miller is able to conquer his fears when it comes to the love of his life Olivia. His dark life is represented by his paintings, and as Olivia begins to discover this harsh and cry-worthy truth, she will literally drop ANYTHING to help her amazingly gorgeous and sensitive Miller Hart.
"We're worlds apart but utterly perfect for each other. He's beautiful from afar, and he's equally beautiful up close. And beneath that external beauty, he's even more beautiful. It goes deep, and the deeper I look, that beauty only strengthens. I'm the only person who sees it, and that's because I'm the only person Miler has allowed to see it. Just me. He's mine. All of him. Every beautiful piece."
I am so so amazed that a book could be this emotional and real. I feel as if these people are real, and as I said, I do not want to spoil any of this incredible book. I love Miller's thing so much, and to be honest, Miller Hart is relationship goals! I hope you love this book as much as I do!!
"She's the blood in my veins. She's the air in my lungs. She's the bright, hopeful light in my tortured darkness."
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